Cosmetology and Spa Management Program at Colleges in Canada

The sphere of beauty is in demand in all countries. Modern women and men realize how important it is to take care of themselves, maintain health and beauty of the body. Therefore, qualified specialists in aesthetic medicine and services are always in high demand.

Esthetician or Skin Care Therapists in Canada is a licensed cosmetologist who is authorized to provide skin care services, learn makeup, manicure, pedicure, features and techniques of skin cleansing, rejuvenation procedures, massage techniques, etc.

Canadian colleges offer comprehensive programs to train specialists to work in beauty salons, SPA-centers, medical institutions. Some programs also include courses on management of such centers, which gives graduates the opportunity to hold managerial positions.

If in the CIS countries beauty specialists study only one direction at a time (manicurist, hairdresser, beautician, etc.), in Canada students receive comprehensive training and a diploma that gives the right to work in any specialty.

In colleges in Canada, the specialty of cosmetology and spa management can be obtained in 2 years. These are intensive diploma programs that provide theoretical and practical training for students and also include internships. Almost all colleges have special laboratories or SPA centers equipped with everything necessary, which gives an opportunity to effectively prepare students for future work.

Esthetician - SPA Management Program at Durham College

Durham College offers a Cosmetology - Spa Management diploma program that will provide students with all the skills necessary for a successful career in the spa industry. The program is based on applied, hands-on learning where students learn:

  • manicure and pedicure techniques;
  • skin care;
  • facials;
  • body care and waxing;
  • medical cosmetology procedures.

The college's SPA center is equipped with state-of-the-art training facilities and equipment that provide real-world experience.

Graduates can work in SPAs, medical spas, hotels, fitness clubs and other organizations in the positions of:

  • cosmetologist;
  • skin care technician;
  • manicurist and pedicurist;
  • SPA coordinator;
  • Master of waxing;
  • SPA center manager;
  • hairdresser;
  • sales representative.

The tuition fee for international students is 12846 CAD/semester.

Esthetician Program at Contestoga College

Contestoga College offers a program geared towards people who are interested in working in the dynamic spa industry in a variety of positions.

It is a diploma program that will provide theoretical knowledge and practical experience in self-care, specialized cosmetic procedures for body, facial, nail care and customer service.

The program includes comprehensive laboratory experience as well as a number of internships that will provide hands-on experience in specific procedures such as waxing, manicures, pedicures, beauty treatments, etc.

Graduates can build a successful career in Canada or international spas, beauty salons, medical centers, cosmetology salons, online beauty stores, and work with dermatologists and other medical professionals.

The tuition fee for international students is 11660 CAD/semester.

Esthetician - SPA Management Program at Humber College

The diploma program at Humber College will provide the business management and professional skills necessary for a successful career in aesthetics and spa salon management.

This is a full-time, 4 semester course of study that includes both theory and practice. Students learn the basics of business administration including marketing, social media, new business development, human resource management, spa procedures, and basic business applications.

Practical courses focus on basic skills in areas such as hand and foot care, facial techniques, waxing, body treatments, and makeup application. Students also learn advanced medical cosmetology procedures such as chemical peels, OxyGeneo, IPL, laser technology and more.

Students learn in a simulated work environment at Humber SPA under the guidance of qualified professionals.

Graduates can easily find employment in spas, hotels, resorts, fitness centers, sports clinics, health and wellness facilities, etc. They can hold the position of:

  • cosmetologist;
  • medical cosmetologist;
  • manicurist;
  • SPA-center manager, etc.

The tuition fee for international students is 10370 CAD/semester.

Esthetician Program at Seneca College

This two-year diploma program has been the leading cosmetology training program for over 20 years. Students master facials, manicures, pedicures, body treatments, depilation, and more. Seneca College has created an environment to fully practice advanced aesthetic treatments including light therapy and various anti-aging procedures.

They gain skills and experience with the products and equipment used in today's cosmetology salons.

Graduates can work in:

  • SPA salons;
  • hotels and resorts;
  • hairdressing and manicure salons;
  • health and fitness centers;
  • as suppliers of cosmetic products.

The tuition fee for international students is 23272 CAD/year.

Esthetics & SPA Therapies Program at Seneca College

It is a 3-year diploma program. It has been an industry leader since 1990. In addition to basic skills, students receive in-depth theoretical and practical training that will enable them to perform any procedure in the field of medical aesthetics.

During their training, students learn skills in the following specialties:

  • manicure;
  • pedicure;
  • basic and advanced facial care;
  • basic and advanced body care;
  • spa business;
  • medical aesthetic procedures;
  • holistic therapies.

Graduates can work in:

  • day spas;
  • hotel and resort SPA centers;
  • medical spas;
  • cruise ships;
  • manicure and hairdressing salons;
  • health and fitness centers;
  • in the office of a dermatologist or plastic surgery.

The tuition fee for international students is 23272 CAD/year.

Esthetician Program at Georgian College

Georgian College offers a state-of-the-art program that prepares students to perform procedures such as makeup, spa skin care treatments for face, body, hands and feet. Emphasis is placed on learning the business applications needed to run a small business.

Graduates can work in the beauty and health care industry: in spa centers, cruise ship spas, beauty salons, health and wellness facilities, dermatologists' offices, plastic surgery, etc.

Graduates can also build a career in such fields as cosmetology product trade, SPA salon management, pharmaceutical industry.


  • Vladimir
    I've been living in Canada for the last 10 years and I have helped more then 700 students to come and study in Canada, USA, UK and Europe. I live in Toronto area and I have family with two children. My older son completed his studies in the Canadian college and the younger son is in the Canadian school now. That's why I know firsthand what concerns students and families have when looking for studies abroad. As a college counselor with more then 20 years of experience, I know in-depth the foreign education systems, good universities and colleges in terms of career perspective and all the nuances of application process and obtaining visas. My goal is to help you find the right university and program and to make the application process as easy as possible using my experience. If you are looking for reliable and experienced guide to studies abroad, contact me and I will help you.

    +1 226 888 4959 (WhatsApp)
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  • Julia
    I am a college counselor with more than 8 years of work experience. I have helped to more than 500 students to successfully come and study in USA, UK and Canada. My students received offers from world's top universities like Stanford, Harvard, University College London, London School of Economics, University of Toronto and many more. I enjoy working with ambitious students and their parents, who I can guide to the world's top elite universities. Besides, I love to motivate students to dream big and achieve the highest possible goals, and adore watching how they transform their lives and personalities through studies abroad. My consultations are very detailed. I usually dig deep, build successful strategies for my students, help with answers to every question. If you want to speak to me about your future studies abroad, feel free to contact me.

    +1 226 888 4959 (WhatsApp)

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