University of Hartford

The university has developed strong relationships with many different companies and organizations,
making internships and professional contacts easily accessible.
The University of Hartford is a small private institution that offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate degree programs. It stands out for its innovative programs and small class sizes, providing a highly personalized education experience that allows each student to unleash their potential. Founded in 1957 in Hartford, Connecticut, the university has achieved notable success in the fields of arts, technology, and business programs.

Approximately 6,000 students, including international students from over 40 countries, attend the University of Hartford. The campus is located in the heart of the city of Hartford, positioned between the two largest U.S. metropolises, New York and Boston, just a 2-hour drive away. This proximity offers students an excellent opportunity to explore the vibrant culture, cities, beaches, and mountains of the region.

The central location in Hartford provides significant opportunities for students. The university has established strong relationships with various companies and organizations, making internships and professional contacts easily accessible.

Schools and colleges

The University of Hartford comprises 7 unique schools and colleges. The institution offers a wide variety of academic programs, opportunities for interdisciplinary learning, and several distinctive programs, such as acoustic engineering and music.

  1. College of Arts and Sciences: Offers 25 undergraduate majors, 29 additional programs, seven master's programs, and numerous interdisciplinary offerings. With world-class faculty, including mathematicians, philosophers, psychologists, and sociologists, the rich interdisciplinary environment fosters collaboration and interaction from various perspectives.

  2. Barney School of Business: Known for the innovative Career Ready program. Undergraduate majors range from accounting and finance to management and marketing. Graduate programs include an MBA and a Master's in Accounting and Taxation, among others. Barney is recognized as one of the top business schools in the country by Bloomberg Businessweek, US News & World Report, and The Princeton Review. The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) places Barney among the top five percent of business schools globally.
    100% of students complete at least one major-related internship before graduation, and 91% of graduates either work or continue their education within six months of earning their degree.

  3. College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions: Prepares students to become ethical, well-rounded professionals in careers that help people live healthy and fulfilling lives. The individualized curriculum prepares students for a wide range of professions and postgraduate programs in education and healthcare. Since clinical experience is integrated into all programs, students actively engage in their field well before graduation.

  4. College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture: Regardless of whether a student is interested in robotics, sustainable architecture, or innovative technological solutions, the curriculum stimulates creative potential and contributes to a successful career. The college aims to help students solve problems, establish connections, and find the tools needed for success in their chosen fields.

  5. The Hartt School: An innovative performing arts school based on the Hartt Conservatory offers comprehensive undergraduate and graduate programs, as well as pre-professional training in music, dance, and theatre. Students are taught by performing artists, composers, scholars, sound engineers, and arts managers. Hartt is a globally recognized conservatory for music, dance, and theatre, providing the best preparation for a successful creative career.

  6. The Hartford Art School: A professional art school offering nine studio majors leading to a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree, one Bachelor of Arts (BA) program in art history, and two Master of Fine Arts (MFA) programs. The school provides a foundation for success in areas such as painting, ceramics, illustration, game art animation, photography, printmaking, visual communication design, and art history.

  7. Hillyer College: Small classes, personalized counseling plans, and a dedicated learning center ensure a successful transition from high school to college.

Educational Programs at University of Hartford

The university offers more than 100 undergraduate programs and more than 64 graduate programs.

Bachelor's Programs at the University of Hartford

Popular undergraduate programs include:

  • Accounting
  • Acoustic Engineering
  • Acting
  • Actuarial Science
  • Aerospace Engineering
  • African Studies
  • Animation and Game Art
  • Architectural Design and Technology
  • Art History
  • Music with specializations such as tuba, trumpet, violin, piano, etc.
  • Audio Engineering Technology
  • Ballet Pedagogy
  • Biochemistry
  • Biology
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Computer and Electronic Engineering Technology
  • Construction Management and Technology
  • Criminal Justice
  • Cybersecurity
  • Economics
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Electromechanical Engineering Technology
  • Environmental Studies
  • Finance
  • Visual Communication Design, and many more.

Master's Programs at the University of Hartford

The university also offers a wide range of master's programs:

  • MBA
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Nursing
  • Photography
  • Management
  • Integrated Communications
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Prosthetics and Orthotics
  • Master of Music with specializations such as tuba, trumpet, violin, piano, etc.
  • School Psychology
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Accounting and Taxation
  • Architecture, and many more.

International Pathway Program at the University of Hartford

For international students, the university also offers the International Pathway Program for undergraduate and graduate studies:

1. International Year - this program is designed for foreign students preparing for admission to the undergraduate program. This program will help you transition smoothly to university life, ensuring that you are prepared for further success during your studies in the United States.

Each semester, students take university academic courses (for credit) and English language courses (non-credit). The course options depend on the required pathway. Once you reach the required level of English proficiency, you can continue your program at the University of Hartford.

  • Standard 2-semester course: 8 months - $42,277;
  • Extended 3-semester course: 12 months - $48,483;
  • Extended 4-semester course: 16 months - $53,999.

2. Master's International Year - a program designed to provide an opportunity to succeed in the graduate programs at the University of Hartford. This year-long intensive course will allow you to continue your education at a leading U.S. university.

  • Standard 2-semester course: 8 months - $28,644;
  • Extended 3-semester course: 12 months - $34,160.

University of Hartford Tuition Fees

The tuition cost at the University of Hartford for international students in the 2023/2024 academic year for undergraduate programs averages $66,479 per year.


  • Vladimir
    I've been living in Canada for the last 10 years and I have helped more then 700 students to come and study in Canada, USA, UK and Europe. I live in Toronto area and I have family with two children. My older son completed his studies in the Canadian college and the younger son is in the Canadian school now. That's why I know firsthand what concerns students and families have when looking for studies abroad. As a college counselor with more then 20 years of experience, I know in-depth the foreign education systems, good universities and colleges in terms of career perspective and all the nuances of application process and obtaining visas. My goal is to help you find the right university and program and to make the application process as easy as possible using my experience. If you are looking for reliable and experienced guide to studies abroad, contact me and I will help you.

    +1 226 888 4959 (WhatsApp)
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  • Julia
    I am a college counselor with more than 8 years of work experience. I have helped to more than 500 students to successfully come and study in USA, UK and Canada. My students received offers from world's top universities like Stanford, Harvard, University College London, London School of Economics, University of Toronto and many more. I enjoy working with ambitious students and their parents, who I can guide to the world's top elite universities. Besides, I love to motivate students to dream big and achieve the highest possible goals, and adore watching how they transform their lives and personalities through studies abroad. My consultations are very detailed. I usually dig deep, build successful strategies for my students, help with answers to every question. If you want to speak to me about your future studies abroad, feel free to contact me.

    +1 226 888 4959 (WhatsApp)

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