Agribusiness and Agrotechnology Programs in Canada

Agribusiness is always in demand and necessary to sustain the lives of people in all countries of the world. Canada is one of the leaders in this industry.

Agribusiness is always in demand and necessary to sustain the lives of people in all countries of the world. Canada is one of the leaders in this industry. The country is actively developing agriculture, introducing the latest technologies and processes, which causes a great need for qualified personnel.

Education in agribusiness and agrotechnology is offered by many colleges and universities in Canada. Let's take a look at the most popular programs available to international students.

Agribusiness and Ag Technology Programs at OLDS College of Agriculture & Technology

Bachelor of Applied Sciences - Agribusiness

This program provides essential skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, and collaborative inquiry to solve real-world business problems.

Students spend the first year on campus learning how to apply business fundamentals such as finance, marketing, strategic business management, human resources, applied research, innovation, and leadership.

Fourth-year students in the Bachelor of Applied Science - Agribusiness program are required to complete an eight-month focused field study, which provides a unique opportunity to apply both academic and experiential learning to the workplace with the support of industry-defined mentorship.

Career Opportunities:

  • Financial services;
  • agri-services;
  • sales and marketing;
  • value-added agricultural production;
  • government agencies;
  • entry-level management.

Diploma in Agricultural Management

The Agricultural Management diploma program provides a well-rounded education in all aspects of the agricultural industry through a combination of classroom instruction and hands-on experience at Olds College's Smart Farm.

Students develop the fundamentals of business skills, including communication, accounting and marketing strategies, and learn about advances in agricultural technology, from accounting software to farm machinery. They also gain an understanding of the environment in food, feed, fuel and fiber production, livestock physiology and health, and global issues currently affecting the industry.

Career Opportunities

  • financial services;
  • agri-services;
  • sales and marketing;
  • value-added agricultural production;
  • government agencies;
  • entry-level management.

Bachelor's Degree in Digital Agriculture

This four-year program with a focus on leadership and management explores solutions to real-world problems using sustainability-focused digital agriculture technologies and practices.

From making ethical recommendations for crop, livestock, soil management, pest management and environmental stewardship to installing, calibrating, troubleshooting and repairing precision farming equipment, the new undergraduate program in digital agriculture will prepare you to become a leader.

Career opportunities include management positions in agricultural science and related fields including agricultural technology, production, engineering, self-employment, sales and services, government, information processing, environmental management, or risk management.

Diploma in precision farming technology

This two-year program provides an in-depth understanding of how to use advanced technology and agronomy to optimize crop production.

As part of the Precision Agriculture - Techgronomy courses, students complete a four-month paid internship where they gain hands-on experience while developing their leadership, communication, project management, and data collection skills.

Career Opportunities:

  • precision agriculture specialist;
  • agricultural business development integrator;
  • precision agriculture sales specialist;
  • precision agriculture technical manager;
  • knowledge and innovation coordinator;
  • GIS specialist;
  • data management;
  • application engineer;
  • adoption specialist;
  • precision agronomist;
  • digital agriculture specialist;
  • clerk;
  • agricultural operator;
  • technical specialist;
  • agricultural consultant;
  • crop risk specialist.

Agribusiness and Agrotechnology Programs at University of Lethbridge

Agricultural biotechnology

In this program, students explore agriculture and the natural world with an emphasis on the relationship between food production, science, nature, and society.

The multifaceted approach allows students to explore new applications of science and develop fresh perspectives on how to solve problems in food production through changes in economics, production, or diversification.

Career Opportunities:

  • Plant Pathology;
  • Immunology;
  • Medicine;
  • Agrotechnology;
  • Cell Biology;
  • Farm Consulting;
  • Animal Science;
  • Rangeland evaluation and management;
  • Agrology;
  • Sales and Business;
  • Resource Economics;
  • Entomology;
  • Horticulture;
  • Forestry;
  • Animal Health Inspection;
  • Agronomy;
  • Water Resources Management;
  • Pest Management and Biocontrol;
  • Environmental Sciences;
  • Waste and Compost Management.

Agricultural research

In this program, students explore the interrelationships between social, economic, political and environmental factors that affect the agricultural sector, from the farm level to the international level.

A multifaceted approach provides an understanding of issues such as policy development, the farm as a production unit, and the environmental impacts of land use. You will also be exposed to the latest developments in genetic engineering, precision farming and animal nutrition, to name but a few.

Career opportunities:

  • Entomology;
  • plant science;
  • agricultural engineering;
  • horticulture;
  • animal science;
  • agricultural product inspection;
  • marketing and technical consulting services;
  • agricultural commodity marketing services;
  • livestock and plant production management;
  • resource management;
  • trade development;
  • agribusiness consulting;
  • agronomy;
  • land industry.

Agribusiness and agritechnology programs are also offered by other colleges and universities in Canada: University of Guelph, Fanshawe College and others.


  • Vladimir
    I've been living in Canada for the last 10 years and I have helped more then 700 students to come and study in Canada, USA, UK and Europe. I live in Toronto area and I have family with two children. My older son completed his studies in the Canadian college and the younger son is in the Canadian school now. That's why I know firsthand what concerns students and families have when looking for studies abroad. As a college counselor with more then 20 years of experience, I know in-depth the foreign education systems, good universities and colleges in terms of career perspective and all the nuances of application process and obtaining visas. My goal is to help you find the right university and program and to make the application process as easy as possible using my experience. If you are looking for reliable and experienced guide to studies abroad, contact me and I will help you.

    +1 226 888 4959 (WhatsApp)
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  • Julia
    I am a college counselor with more than 8 years of work experience. I have helped to more than 500 students to successfully come and study in USA, UK and Canada. My students received offers from world's top universities like Stanford, Harvard, University College London, London School of Economics, University of Toronto and many more. I enjoy working with ambitious students and their parents, who I can guide to the world's top elite universities. Besides, I love to motivate students to dream big and achieve the highest possible goals, and adore watching how they transform their lives and personalities through studies abroad. My consultations are very detailed. I usually dig deep, build successful strategies for my students, help with answers to every question. If you want to speak to me about your future studies abroad, feel free to contact me.

    +1 226 888 4959 (WhatsApp)

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