Where can I study acting in the US?

It is the dream of many people to become a famous actor, to shine on the screen or theater stage, to keep their name in history. The best way to do this is to study acting at a prestigious university, which not only allows you to develop your talent, but also provides useful connections and unique opportunities to get the best roles.

The largest world center of cinematography is Hollywood. It represents an entire entertainment industry and is the leader of the world's media system. The United States has a huge weight in this industry and if you want to be a part of it, studying in American film schools will be the surest choice.

There are hundreds of film and art schools in the United States, and many universities also offer specialized programs - there is a lot of choice. So where is the best place to study acting and what are the best film schools?

Los Angeles Film School

This school operates in the heart of Hollywood. The college campus covers a huge area and offers an ideal learning environment for future actors.

The Los Angeles Film School is listed as one of the top 50 film schools of 2023 by The Wrap.

Students have access to classrooms, labs, production rooms, recording studios, and state-of-the-art professional equipment.

The school offers state-of-the-art programs of study that include exposure to the latest technology, giving students the opportunity to learn the skills they need and maximize their talent.

The school includes several buildings and divisions:

  1. The historic RCA Building on Sunset Boulevard is the center of the school, housing many facilities including five film sound stages, film audio and dubbing stages, the Foley Stage, the 330-seat main theater, the campus library and classrooms.
  2. Adjacent to the RCA building are the Chaplin green screen stage, Kurosawa/Bergman stages, Fellini stage, Hitchcock stage, B2 theater and lobby, admissions theater, film production equipment room, classrooms, and the main lobby of the Los Angeles Film School.
  3. The Recording School building, a division of the Los Angeles Film School, includes 14 recording studios, including two SSL Duality studios, two Foley/ADR studios, a Neve Genesys Black console, an Avid S6 console, digital production suites, and classrooms and lecture halls.
  4. The Ivar Theater, a fully equipped historic Hollywood live performance space, is used for educational labs and special events during the school year, making it an integral part of our vibrant learning environment.

Los Angeles Film School will help develop potential and provide brilliant training for a successful acting career.

New York Film Academy

New York Film Academy was opened in 1992 and quickly became one of the leading colleges in the performing arts worldwide. It is a reputable and very popular college with more than 5,000 students from different countries.

Training at this school is primarily focused on a practical approach. Classes are conducted by world stars and the best professionals in the field.

NYFA has 9 branches in different parts of the world. In the States you can get education in New York, Miami, Los Angeles. Students also study the arts in Paris, Florence, Beijing, Shanghai, and Australia. Some programs can be completed online.

The school's largest campuses are the New York and Los Angeles campuses. They offer the largest number of degree programs here. In addition, this is an opportunity to be right in the center of Broadway or Hollywood and get unique opportunities for a fast-paced career.

Students can complete short-term courses (1 - 2 years) or earn a bachelor's or master's degree. Students are also offered exciting workshops.

The American Musical and Dramatic Academy

AMDA is one of the oldest institutions of higher education in America that offers acting training. The main concept of the Academy is to prepare versatile artists who can not only act on stage or in front of the camera, but also sing and dance.

It is the largest private school that provides unique training and helps students develop their potential. Students perform in concerts and take part in plays that are attended by producers, directors and agents.

The Academy has two large, modern campuses:

  1. New York City;
  2. Los Angeles.

Students are provided with everything they need: classrooms, rehearsal rooms, dance studios, recording studios, in-house theaters, comfortable residences, etc. Each campus has a student-run theater where students perform.

AMDA offers undergraduate and graduate programs, as well as a number of short courses and summer programs for high school students. Some programs can be completed online, including acting training.

AMDA is the center of the arts community. Students receive brilliant training and become part of the art world before they even graduate.

How do I get into an acting program in the US?

If you decide to realize your dream, you should be prepared for a multi-step admission process. To study acting, it is not enough just to have good grades in your diploma.

Students have to undergo an audition and an interview. It is also important to prepare a letter of motivation and have good references from your teachers, coaches and others who can evaluate your skills and potential.

All international students must also provide a certificate of English language proficiency.

The admission process will be long and challenging, but if you want to become a world famous actor, there is no better opportunity than studying at a US film school.

These academies will give you the necessary training and a chance to make a name for yourself on the best stages in the world.


  • Vladimir
    I've been living in Canada for the last 10 years and I have helped more then 700 students to come and study in Canada, USA, UK and Europe. I live in Toronto area and I have family with two children. My older son completed his studies in the Canadian college and the younger son is in the Canadian school now. That's why I know firsthand what concerns students and families have when looking for studies abroad. As a college counselor with more then 20 years of experience, I know in-depth the foreign education systems, good universities and colleges in terms of career perspective and all the nuances of application process and obtaining visas. My goal is to help you find the right university and program and to make the application process as easy as possible using my experience. If you are looking for reliable and experienced guide to studies abroad, contact me and I will help you.

    +1 226 888 4959 (WhatsApp)
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  • Julia
    I am a college counselor with more than 8 years of work experience. I have helped to more than 500 students to successfully come and study in USA, UK and Canada. My students received offers from world's top universities like Stanford, Harvard, University College London, London School of Economics, University of Toronto and many more. I enjoy working with ambitious students and their parents, who I can guide to the world's top elite universities. Besides, I love to motivate students to dream big and achieve the highest possible goals, and adore watching how they transform their lives and personalities through studies abroad. My consultations are very detailed. I usually dig deep, build successful strategies for my students, help with answers to every question. If you want to speak to me about your future studies abroad, feel free to contact me.

    +1 226 888 4959 (WhatsApp)

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